The biggest student soccer tournament in the north: LSV
On June 5, 2024, it's that time again: Leeuwarder Student Field Football Championship! Registrations are now open. Gather all your student friends, form a team, and compete against the other student teams of Leeuwarden. On Wednesday afternoon, June 5, 7 against 7 matches will be played to eventually crown 2 teams as winners. One winning team in the women's category and one winning team in the men's mixed category.
Playing soccer for life
Earn back entry fees, get a new soccer jersey, and raise money for KWF Cancer Society? Go find a sponsor! This year LSV comes together in action against cancer, this year you play soccer for life. Living better with and after cancer. That's what scientific research is all about, according to KWF Kankerbestrijding.
Cancer is a disease that affects us all. One in two Dutch people is diagnosed with cancer. Cancer disrupts your life, whether it is your own battle or that of a loved one. Fortunately, KWF Kankerbestrijding can treat the disease more and more effectively. Thanks in part to the efforts of countless donors, volunteers, and campaigners, the 5-year survival rate for cancer patients has already increased to 67%!
Want to join LSV and play soccer for life? Sign up now via Student Sport Leeuwarden!
Need help finding a sponsor? Email lsv.toernooi@gmail.com